Leg 06 - From Pont St. Martin to Ivrea

Leg 06 - From Pont St. Martin to Ivrea

Gps Track

Gps Track

  • Total Length: 21,5 km
  • Difficulty by Foot: Medium

Arriving in Piedmont, the mountains are softened, slopes and height differences are easier to follow. The walking tour alternates between characteristicvillages and enchanting natural tracks. The architectural structure of San Lorenzo, the village of Montestrutto, and Montalto Castle are noteworthy. At the end of the day don’t forget to visit the city centre of Ivrea. Road-houses in Carema, Settimo Vittone (off the itinerary) Borgofranco, Montalto. Frequent fountains. Pay attention to the section of the main road exit from Carema.



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