ESSEM – Encouraging and Strenghtening Solidarity in European Municipalities

Encouraging and Strengthening Solidarity in European Municipalities: a project beyond borders, toward new horizons.
On Sunday 29 September 2019, in Santhià, at the parish hall, at 12.00, was held the Signature Covenant of the Brotherhood Agreement between all the Italian and foreign Municipalities, members of the project “Encouraging and Strengthening Solidarity in European Municipalities – ESSEM “. The project was approved by the European Commission under the “Europe for Citizens 2014-2020” program of the European Union, entitled Encouraging and Strengthening Solidarity in European Municipalities E.S.S.E.M. PROJECT. Thus, has started a network of communities which consists of 13 municipalities in Italy, Latvia, Albania, France and Estonia. In particular, the European event was promoted by six Piedmont’s municipalities: Santhià (leader), Cerrione, Roppolo, Cavaglià, Alice Castello and Moncrivello, and the project was wanted and coordinated by the Slowland Piemonte Association (of which the six municipalities are part ). The foreign delegations hosted came from Mat and Klos (Albania), Amata and Pargauja (Latvia), Valga (Estonia), Montbazin and Villerest (France).
From September 26th to 30th 2019 the Meeting took place between the participating cities: five days of exchanges of experiences and knowledge between different countries within the EU. The topics dealt with were those of solidarity from all points of view: in the school environment, in the workplace and in integration contexts. Guests were accompanied to learn about the commitment in the social sphere in the municipalities of Slowland Piedmont and in the European’s municipalities, but also the landscape, cultural and enogastronomic (food and wine) realities of the territory.
The highlights of the wide program of the ESSEM event were: the Welcome Ceremony on 26 September 2019 at Santhià; the morning of Solidarity with the schools held on September 27th at the Municipal gym of Alice Castello in the presence of teachers and students of local schools; the visit to the castle and the afternoon walk in Roppolo on the hills, between Special Areas of Conservation in HABITAT Directive of 27 September through the pathways of the “Buon Camino” (designed thanks to the European Social funds against unemployment); the convention “E.S.S.E.M – Solidarity without borders” of 28 September at the Cerrione multi-purpose hall with presentation of cases and best practices on Solidarity; the Intercultural Evening of September 28th with multi-ethnic music and banquet from international flavors at the conference centre in Cavaglià; the musical evening at Santhià on Sunday 29 September at the bowling alley with the “Fratellanza” dinner; the morning of September 30th dedicated to “Gli itinerari del Buon Cammino” (which through solidarity have connected together our municipalities) organized in Moncrivello and followed by a meeting at the local Castle specifically open to delegates for a final farewell party.
Advised by Agenzia eConsulenza – Turin.

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