Itineraries of Santhià

The town of Santhià offers three itineraries to discover parts of the richness of its territory.

Walking along the rice field path you can immerse yourself in the Santhiatese countryside, coming across the characteristic farmhouses of the area. In late summer or early autumn, on this path you will see the golden rice fields followed by the harvest.

Al Borgo Antico di Vettigné is a path that will lead you to the entrance arch to the ancient village of Vettignè; walking along it in April and May you can admire the flooded rice fields, and in late summer, the blond crops and the harvest.

Verso la Mandria is the itinerary that will take you on a journey of discovery of one of the oldest Santhiatese farmhouses.

Detailed information for each route is available by clicking the links below.
What are you waiting for? Immerse yourself in the wonderful territory of Santhià!

Buon Cammino 5 – Al borgo antico di Vettigné

Buon Cammino 6 – Il cammino della risaia

Buon Cammino 7 – Verso la Mandria

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